Her people skills began developing back in 1983 when she became the first female police officer in Putnam County, where she honorably served the Town of Kent for 32+ years.
Aside from all the basic police trainings, Kathy has also been trained and certified as an Instructor, Telecommunications Expert, Equipment Operator (Radar, Breathalyzer, etc.), Teletype Operator, First Responder, Lifesaver, Hazardous Waste Technician, Accident Investigator, Sex Crime Investigator, Juvenile Liaison and Human Development Resourcer, amongst an assortment of other things too long to list.
Kathy has been a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a wife twice, a mother and grandmother three times, a caregiver and a good friend to many.
Even in childhood she was intrigued by the illnesses that stole people’s health away, her own included.
Kathy told her own Chiropractor about this doctor’s methods and over the years that followed she and her Chiropractor attended these seminars and she learned more and more.
In early 1994 Kathy’s father was diagnosed with a brain tumor and given 6 weeks to live. Radiation treatments burned his ear and throat lymphatic so he could not walk or talk and had to eat via a feeding tube inserted into his stomach into which Kathy poured every nutritional protocol she could find to heal him. 18 months later in late 1995, despite her efforts, although he WAS totally disease free, her father still passed away from natural causes and lack of will to live, and Kathy decided to take her hobby to college.
In late 1995 Kathy applied to and was accepted by the Clayton School of Natural Healing and the American Holistic College of Nutrition where she enrolled herself in their Bachelor of Science in Natural Health and Nutrition Program where her knowledge and understating of these sciences was again further expanded.
Over the years Kathy’s hobby grew larger. Books and supplements and experiments and devices and lights filled her house and in 2009 she took things to another level when she added an expensive device to her collection…a BioTracker and the training and certification to use it. This device was the equivalent of Kinesiology testing only with a probe and much more accurate.
Then, as fate would have it, shortly after getting the device one of the 1800 square foot store fronts in her building was suddenly vacated. This gave way to Kathy and her brother Bill putting their resources together, him with his Cold Laser and her with her BioTracker and large assortment of other things, and opening up the first natural healing center….The Art of Healing.
The Art of Healing successfully operated on Front Street for 6 years, from December of 2009 until December of 2015 at which time Kathy and her brother went in different directions and parted ways. Her brother took the original Art of Healing to Carmel, NY and Kathy remained at the Front Street location where she re-opened and is still successfully operating as The Wellness Center.
Kathy knows a little bit about everything and a lot about certain things. Her practice at The Wellness Center is a full spectrum practice which uses ALL methods possible to help people heal and live, disease free, as we are supposed to live.
Kathy has traveled extensively, through the states and to Europe and although originally from Patterson she has lived in Florida and the Hamptons for many years. Now however, she finds herself exactly where she wants to be…here in her home town, in her own place, surrounded by the hobby that she has loved her entire life.
When Kathy is asked what she does with her time now that she’s retired from the Police Department, she says “Now I investigate why people are sick!”, and investigate she does. She loves a good challenge and tough cases are her specialty.
Kathy is also an Erchonia Certified Laserologist, proficient in the operations of low level cold laser therapies.